This is us!
ELMOX is your expert when it comes to SUR-RON e-cross bikes / e-mopeds , tuning parts and spare parts .
Since entering the German market, ELMOX has focused entirely on the SUR-RON brand , making it one of the leading retailers in the country .
In addition to our excellent customer service , we also offer you individual conversion and tuning options according to your ideas.

The products most chosen by customers in a category. Benefit from our customers' purchasing experiences and put together your personal bike.
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Auf unserem YouTube-Kanal findest du nahezu wöchentlich spannende und unterhaltsame Inhalte rund um SURRON. Ob du neue Produkte vorgestellt bekommst oder hilfreiche Videos zur optimalen Wartung deines Bikes suchst – wir bieten dir alles, was du brauchst!
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